This place is intended to complement all the information provided in the videos made available every week.
Here you will find all the information and tips on very specific and concrete points of prescription and which we believe can be extremely useful for your professional success, and consequently for achieving your students' goals.
5 - 9 - 2021
30 – 40 - 50 REPS - Cowboy
20 – 25 - 30 REPS – Row L-Sit
10 – 12 - 15 REPS – AquaBurpee
50 meters - Swim
20 REPS - Alternating Circle
20 REPS – External Rotation
WOD – (Method:Chipper)
4x 50m Swim Parachute
25 REPS - Project Up (min. 10kg)
50 REPS – Push Squat Kit (min. Green Elastic)
4x 50m Swim (Max. Velocidade)
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Strength and Metabolic
Description: This workout is a great challenge for our students. Therefore, the first and very important indication for the prescription of this workout is to be especially careful with the number of repetitions that we are going to indicate.
We are in a period of the year in which our students are reactivating their physical activity after the vacation period and that is why we must consider this factor, respecting their physical abilities at this specific time. At this point more can be less, because stimuli greater than necessary are not physiologically desirable.
12 - 9 - 2021
40 REPS - Static Run
20 REPS - Toes To bar
10 REPS - Push Swim Run
5 REPS - Inverted Aquaburpee
20 REPS - 360º Circle
20 REPS – External Rotation
2 min – REST
20´sec. – VERTICAL JUMP/10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – JUMPING JACK/10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – VERTICAL JUMP/10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – JUMPING JACK/10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – DEEP WALL LEG CURL/10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – SKI/10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – DEEP WALL LEG CURL /10´ sec. – Rest - Walking
20´sec. – SKI /10´ sec. – Rest – Walking
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Skilss, Strength and Metabolic
Description: This workout is aimed at stimulating the three components of the methodology and therefore will be a varied prescription in terms of the methods used as well as the exercises, being included in total 12 different exercises throughout the entire class.
We advise you to have some sensitivity to understand the demand that this prescription places.
STATIC RUN – Indicate the performance of flexion of the thigh until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. As well as requiring the simultaneous performance of lower limb movements with the upper limbs.
TOES TO BAR – Maintenance of the upper limbs in a horizontal position. At no time does the noodle move towards the lower limbs. Should be the lower limbs to rise and address the noodle. If it is not possible to touch the noodle with their toes, we ask the student to raise them as much as possible.
PUSH SWIM RUN – Push the wall with the upper limbs, slide at least three meters and return to the wall running with the aid of moving the upper limbs.
INVERTED AQUABURPEE – Full hip extension in vertical and horizontal position. For students with greater difficulty in auxiliary execution with floating equipment.
If it is impossible to comply with the prescription guidelines, you must adapt the number of repetitions individually.
Thus, we will intersperse the stimulation of the SKILLS AND STRENGTH component through the EMOM Method (EVERY MINUTE ON THE MINUTE), that is, for the execution of the proposed exercise repetitions, each student has 1 minute maximum. If they finish before the minimum, they rest passively until another exercise.
As a complement to WOD we will have the stimulation of the metabolic component, in this prescription with the TABATA method.
19 - 9 - 2021
30 SECONDS - AquaBurpee
30 SECONDS - Push Run
50 SECONDS - Jumping Jack
30 SECONDS - Vertical Jump
10 REPS - External Rotation Supined
10 REPS - External Rotation Pronated
20 REPS - Internal Rotation Legs
WOD – (Method: AMRAP - 25 Minutes - 3 Rounds)
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Strength
Method: AMRAP
Description: This workout is aimed at stimulating the stength component of the methodology. This workout is intended for strength work with incidence on the lower limbs.
The exercises chosen for the warm-up will be performed in three rounds, following the proposed exercise and for thirty seconds. At each new round, students must be instructed to increase the number of repetitions of each of the exercises in relation to the previous round. This without compromising the quality of execution of the movement pattern, which is the essential point of execution.
Before the beginning of the WOD, it is urgent to analyze the equipment needs and prepare them so that the time in the transition from exercises is as short as possible.
Before the beginning of the WOD, it is urgent to analyze the equipment needs and prepare them so that the time in the transition from exercises is as short as possible.
With regard to WOD, it is aimed at stimulating strength, focusing on exercising the muscles of the lower limbs. The method to be applied is AMRAP, with a maximum execution time limit of 25 minutes, and a minimum of three rounds must be carried out in that time.
If it is impossible to comply with the prescription guidelines, namely the number of repetitions, this number should be adapted individually.
Due to the proposed exercise sequence, the muscles of the lower limbs will be submitted to a high muscular effort. Thus, it should be indicated to students to focus their concern on the correct execution of the exercises and not on the execution speed.
26 - 9 - 2021
50 METERS - Run
15 - 20 - 25 REPS - Jump Over Noodle
15 - 20 - 25 REPS - Deep Wall
10+10 REPS - Ski with Rotation
10+10 REPS - Internal Rotation
WOD – (Method: FOR TIME)
4 Rounds
50 METERS (máx. 45sec.) - Swim
20 REPS (máx. 1´30min.) - Deep Wall Rotation
1´min. - Rest
4 Rounds
15 REPS (máx. 1´30min.) - Wall Up
15 REPS (máx. 1´30min.) - Push L-Sit
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Skills/Metabolic
Method: For Time
Description: This workout is aimed at stimulating the skills and metabolic components of the methodology.
Description: the warm-up will be prescribed in the form of incrementing the number of repetitions at each new round, with only the race remaining with the same number of meters to run.
The running must be performed without the upper limbs watching the movement, trying to make the displacement happen only by the action resulting from the lower limbs.
The Jump Over Noodle exercise must be performed with the passage of both feet simultaneously over the noodle.
The Deep Wall must always be carried out with plantar support.
Description: The exercise focus of this prescription is based on the stimulation of cardiorespiratory capacity and skills. It will be performed using the method in which there is a number of REPS or distance to reach, but always with a maximum execution limit. This maximum time will force students to perform the exercises with greater speed and thus increase the intensity of exercise.
Perform combinations and REPS of prescribed exercises. For each combination performed there is a mandatory rest of 1' min.
Due to the fact that there is a time associated with the number of repetitions, it is important to emphasize and reinforce that the pattern of execution of the exercises cannot be discolored.
Swimming can be performed in any technique and in Deep Wall Rotation the student must sit completely on the edge of the pool with each repetition.
In the second combination, Wall Up must be performed with full extension of the hip after leaving the water and the Push L-Sit must be performed with a slide of three months before returning to the wall.
3 - 10 - 2021
30 REPS - Jumping Jack
20 REPS - Jump Over Noodle
10 RESP - Deep Wall Leg Curl
15 REPS - Horizontal Abduction
10+10 REPS - Internal Rotation
WOD – (Method: FOR TIME - 25 Minutes - Máx. Rounds)
20 REPS - Aquaburpee Leg Shaper
20 REPS - Clean and Press
15 REPS (máx. 1´30min.) - Wall Up
5 REPS (máx. 1´30min.) - Push Ventral Inverted Row
50 Meters (máx. velocity) - Swim
2´min. - Rest
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Strength/Skills/Metabolic
Method: For Time
Description: This workout is aimed at stimulating the strength, skills and metabolic components of the methodology.
Students should be asked that at each new round they should increase the abduction amplitude in the Jumping Jack exercise, with each repetition only being counted after abduction and adduction.
In Jump over Noodle both feet must pass over the noodle at the same time, always followed by a full extension of the hip. A key point in carrying out the exercise centers on the indication of not excessively flexing the trunk when passing the feet through the noodle. All the action starts with a slight jump that should only serve as a means of boosting. The objective of the exercise is to bend the knee and hip in order to go over the noodle.
The Deep Wall Leg Curl must always be performed with plantar support. The extension of the upper limbs must be total at the end of the movement and the flexion of the lower limbs must reach 90º through the knee joint.
AQUABURPEE LEG SHAPER – in this exercise the critical and fundamental point is the return to the vertical position after assuming the horizontal position. Therefore, we must mention this important detail, before the students start its execution.
CLEAN and PRESS – Performing this exercise is often a difficulty for students, especially in the transition from hand position at the time of CLEAN to hand position and consequent wrist rotation in PRESS. That said, it will be important to explain this critical point before the student performs the movement in WOD. Thus, the execution of the exercise with the barbell should be proposed, but without the elastic providing resistance.
WALL UP – The correct performance of the exercise indicates that it must be performed with full extension of the hip in the final phase of the movement out of water. The exit of water from the wall can be done with two feet, or with just one foot.
VENTRAL PUSH INVERTED ROW – the correct performance of this exercise presupposes that there is a strong push on the wall in a ventral position, sliding until reaching three meters as a reference point for the head. At this point, the student must assume the L-Sit position without touching the floor with his feet and return to the starting point only and only with horizontal adduction movements of the upper limbs. The number of repetitions can only be continuous with the stop, if necessary.
SWIM – In this exercise, the technique that the student wishes can be selected, having to do 50 meters of swimming at maximum speed.
10 - 10 - 2021
50 METERS - Run
20 REPS - Row L-Sit
10 RESP - Aquaburpee/Inverted Aquaburpee
20 REPS - Rotate and Reach
15 REPS - External Rotation
WOD – (Method: FOR TIME - 25 Minutes - 3 Rounds)
200 METERS - Swim
50 REPS - Vertical Jump
200 METERS - Swim
40 REPS - Vertical Jump
200 METERS - Swim
30 REPS - Vertical Jump
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Metabolic
Method: For Time
Description: This workout is aimed at stimulating the metabolic component of the methodology.
RUN – This exercise should be performed in all rounds with the help of the upper limbs to help with frontal displacement. Students should be asked to raise their knees in the execution of the movement, and at each new round should also be encouraged to increase the displacement speed.
Row L-Sit – At all times when performing this exercise, the feet must contact the wall. For this to occur, the execution of the movement of the upper limbs must be constant. An important aspect is also the maintenance of an angle very close to 90º formed by the lower limbs and the trunk.
Aquaburpee/Inverted Aquaburpee – The fundamentals of these exercises are the same, although in different positions. Thus, the extension of the hip is the fundamental point in the exercises, both in the vertical and horizontal positions, and this should always be the point to explain and demand from the student.
Description: Since the objective of this proposal is the metabolic component, an extended exercise time is proposed, with as few stops as possible. At each new round of 200 meters we should encourage students to change swimming technique, in order to produce a varied muscle stimulation.
In contrast with the previous proposals for the stimulation of the metabolic component, in which short periods are indicated, but more varied in terms of exercises and intensity, in this case the proposal goes in the opposite direction. Less exercise diversity and more constant intensity.
SWIM – in moments dedicated to swimming we must ask our students to run the distance at a comfortable swimming pace, but not too slow.
Vertical Jump – this exercise is used to break the swimming routine, as well as to modify the position of execution of the exercises. The proposed number of repetitions can be distributed in the way the student wants, being able to whenever he/she wants to complete the number of repetitions. Always remember that this exercise requires the knees to break the surface of the water at every repetition.
17 - 10 - 2021
RUN (12meteres) 5 REPS AQUABURPEE (4 rounds)
RUN (12meteres) 10 REPS Vertical Jump (4 rounds)
RUN (12meteres) L-Sit (12meteres) (4 rounds)
20 REPS - Counter Rotation
15 REPS - Horizontal Acceleration
WOD – (Method: AMRAP - 20 Minutes)
Jump Over Noodle/Toes To Noodle Alternated – 50 REPS
Jumping Jack - 100 REPS
Static Run Leg Shaper – 150 REPS
RUN (12meters) 5 REPS AQUABURPEE (4 rounds) – Nesta combinação devemos indicar aos alunos a utilização dos membros superiores no exercício de corrida como forma de auxiliar no deslocamento, bem como elevação dos joelhos (90º) no movimentos de corrida. O exercício de Aquaburpee deverá ser realizado com a extensão complete da anca na posição vertical e horizontal.
RUN (12meters) 10 REPS Vertical Jump (4 rounds) – Na segunda combinação mantemos o exercício de corrida, mas pedimos ao aluno para utilizar menos o auxilio dos membros superiores. No Vertical Jump o joelhos deverão sair do totalmente espaço aquático em cada repetição.
RUN (12meters) L-Sit (12meters) (4 rounds) – Na última combinação os membros superiores não podem auxiliar em nenhum momento o deslocamento na corrida. No L-Sit a distância deverá ser percorrida sem nunca descansar através do apoio do pés no solo.
Description: As the objective of this proposal is the skills and strength component, a high number of repetitions for each exercise is proposed. The proposal presents the intention to promote the execution of the exercises as correctly as possible.
In contrast to other proposals, this is one that presupposes the execution in the sense of apprehension and acquisition of execution techniques.
Jump Over Noodle/Toes To Noodle Alternated – the exercises should always be performed alternately. One replay of Jump Over Noodle and one replay of Toes to Noodle. The purpose of joining these two exercises is to stimulate the surrounding hip muscles in two different ways.
Jumping Jack – this exercise is quite simple to perform, however it should be suggested that students perform it as widely as possible. It should also be indicated that the counting of a repetition only occurs with the execution of the complete movement cycle, that is, abduction and simultaneous adduction of lower and upper limbs.
Static Run Leg Shaper – This exercise will require a large amount of enduring strength. The indications for doing it are: raise the knee to 90º and then fully support the entire foot on the floor. It is important to teach the student that the ascending and descending movement must be performed completely vertically. One of the most common mistakes in this exercise is to perform the downward movement slightly diagonally. Naturally, the upper limbs follow the movement as if it were a race.
24 - 10 - 2021
WOD – (Method: 3 ROUNDS)
Description: The warm-up will be carried out with only three exercises, performed in three rounds, without stopping. This proposal focuses on stimulating the muscles of the upper and lower extremities of the body.
Cross Country Ski – The first fundamental point of the execution of this exercise refers to the fact that the upper and lower limbs execute the movement in a contralateral way. Furthermore, each new round will be suggested to the students that they increase the speed and simultaneously the amplitude, thus trying to increase the intensity of exercise.
Kick – In this exercise we must ask students for the lower limb that performs the kick, to rise until the limb reaches a horizontal position. Here, we must also encourage the students to increase their speed and simultaneously the amplitude at each new round, thus trying to increase the intensity of exercise.
Jumping Jack – In the last exercise, the upper and lower limbs must perform the movements simultaneously, both in the adduction and abduction phases. Here, we must also encourage the students to increase their speed and simultaneously the amplitude at each new round, thus trying to increase the intensity of exercise.
Description: Since the objective of this proposal is to stimulate all the components of the methodology, three exercises are proposed that are quite different from each other. The proposal presented is intended to promote the execution of the exercises as correctly as possible.
SWIM – AFAP (As Fast as Possible) – The student can choose the swimming technique he wants and can change the swimming technique every 25m. You should perform this exercise as quickly as possible in order to stimulate the metabolic component. In case we have students who cannot swim, it should be indicated to run a run over only 50 meters.
Inverted Row Parachute – In the L-Sit position, the student must perform inverted rows (dorsal displacement) until reaching a distance of 50 meters, this with a parachute. If possible, each student should be asked to complete the minimum distance of 25 meters without stops. In the event that we have students who cannot perform the exercise with a parachute, it should be indicated to do it without a parachute or even with a noodle supporting the body's weight.
Hundstand Up – This exercise is not very metabolic, but it is demanding in terms of body control on the part of the students. The student should be placed in an inverted facial position, finishing the exercise only when the lower limbs and hip were fully extended. After acquiring this position, it returns to the initial vertical position.
3 - 11- 2021
(Method: EMOM)
(Method: 3 ROUNDS without TIME)
Description: The warm-up will be carried out with only three exercises, performed in three rounds, without stopping. This proposal focuses on stimulating the muscles of the upper and lower extremities of the body.
SWIM – The student can choose the swimming technique they want and can change the swimming technique every 25m. You should perform this exercise without stopping and you should increase the speed of execution of the exercise at each new round.
COWBOY – In this exercise we must ask the practitioners that the lower limbs move towards the upper limbs, keeping the trunk in an upright position, all this in an alternate way. One of the indications should also be that the feet, in the downward direction, go outwards.
JUMP OVER NOODLE – In this exercise, the practitioner must perform a slight jump, followed by flexion of the lower limbs by the hip and knee joint in order to pass simultaneously with both feet over the noddle, then and after contact with the floor should always perform full hip extension.
Description: The objective of this proposal focuses on stimulating the Skills component. Within the WOD, two groups of exercises are proposed, which should be performed twice, interspersed, applying the indicated methods. The proposal presented is intended to promote the execution of the exercises as correctly as possible.
ROW L-SIT – In this exercise, the student should be instructed to maintain full contact between the foot and the wall at all times, always maintaining a 90º angle performed by flexing the lower limbs and the trunk. As for the upper limbs, they should perform the rowing movement, following a horizontal abduction motor path, making the hand at the end of the abduction approach the shoulder line.
VERTICAL JUMP – In this exercise, the practitioner must always perform the flexion of the naca and knees in order to break the surface of the water. This indication is mandatory in all repetitions. The position that the upper limbs assume is not relevant and can be selected by the practitioner.
AQUABURPEE – The fundamental point of this exercise is the extension of the hip, both in the vertical and horizontal positions, and this should always be the reference point to explain and demand from the practitioner. Also indicate that it can be carried out close to the surface. The position of the upper limbs, both in the vertical and horizontal position, is an option for each practitioner, and they can be flexed at the shoulder joint or at the side of the body.
TOES TO NOODLE – Maintenance of the upper limbs in a horizontal position supported on the noddle. At no time does the noodle move towards the lower limbs. Should be the lower limbs to rise and move towards the noodle. If it is not possible to touch the noodle with the toes, we ask the student to raise the lower limbs as much as possible, and the knees should be in full extension or very close to it.
STATIC RUN – Indicate the performance of flexion of the thigh until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. As well as requiring the simultaneous performance of lower limb movements with the upper limbs.
RUN – Indicate the performance of flexion of the thigh until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. Indicate the simultaneous performance of movements of the lower limbs with the upper limbs, which in this specific condition should help with displacement.
DEEP WALL – In this exercise, the reference point for correct execution is based on the complete extension of the upper limbs. Remember that the basic condition of execution is without plantar support, being able to adapt according to the practitioner's abilities.
8 - 11- 2021
Jumping Jack (20 REPS) – AquaBurpee (5 REPS) 1 min
Run (50 REPS) – Row L-Sit (30 Reps) 1 min
Kick (50 REPS) – Jump Over Noodle (10 REPS) 1 min
Jumping Jack (20 REPS) – AquaBurpee (5 REPS) 1 min
Run (50 REPS) – Row L-Sit (30 Reps) 1 min
Kick (50 REPS) – Jump Over Noodle (10 REPS) 1 min
(Method: AMRAP - 25 MINUTES)
High Row – 5 -10 - 15 REPS
Press Bar – 5 – 10 - 15 REPS
Clean and Press – 5 – 10 - 15 REPS
Wall Up – 5 - 10 – 15 REPS
Breaststroke Legs Parachute – 50 – 100 - 100 METERS
Description: The warm-up will be performed with six exercises, combined in pairs. Three rounds must be prescribed, without stopping and lasting one minute for each pair of exercises, fulfilling the indicated number of repetitions. This proposal aims to provide various bodily stimuli in a short space of time, preparing the body for the remaining proposal.
JUMPING JACK – AQUABURPEE – In the first exercise, the execution with the greatest possible amplitude should be promoted. In the second exercise, full extension of the hip in both the vertical and horizontal positions.
RUN – ROW L-SIT – excellent exercise complementarity. Regarding the RUN, we must promote the ascent of the knee to the hip line and in the ROW L-Sit, continuous contact with the wall must be promoted and, in the phase of greater amplitude of the row, the hand must reach the shoulder line.
KICK – JUMP OVER NOODLE – In the first exercise the highest point reached by the foot should be on the hip line. As for the second exercise, the full extension of the hip must be indicated at each passage of the feet over the noodle.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate the strength and metabolic components, given that in this specific case more emphasis is given to strength stimulation with the prescription of 4 exercises in this regard and only one (WALL UP) for the metabolic component. The objective is to try to perform the exercises through the AMRAP method, trying to finish the proposal in less than 25 minutes.
HIGH ROW – In this exercise, the student should be instructed that the movement is guided in the ascending phase, by the action of the elbow. The reference points for correct execution are in the full extension of the upper limbs in the descending phase and reaching the elbows to the line of the shoulders in the ascending phase.
PRESS BAR – In this exercise, the reference points are the touch of the bar in the high chest area and the full extension of the upper limbs after the ascending phase.
CLEAN and PRESS – Performing this exercise is often a difficulty for students, especially in the transition from hand position at the time of CLEAN to hand position and consequent wrist rotation in PRESS. That said, it will be important to explain this critical point before the student performs the movement in WOD. Thus, the execution of the exercise with the barbell should be proposed, but without the elastic providing resistance.
WALL UP – The correct performance of the exercise indicates that it must be performed with full extension of the hip in the final phase of the movement out of water. The exit of water from the wall can be done with two feet, or with just one foot.
BREASTSTROKE LEGS PARACHUTE – this exercise aims to apply the maximum possible force to each kick, thus promoting the stimulation of strength in the lower limbs.
6 - 12- 2021
Cowboy (30 sec.)
Toes To Noodle (30 sec.)
Aquaburpee (30 sec.)
Row L-Sit (30 sec.)
15 REPS - External Rotation Shoulder
10-10 REPS - External Rotation Hip
(Method: EMOM - 6)
Vertical Jump (30 REPS)
Push – Run (5 REPS)
(Method: ROUNDS - 3)
50 m Swim
2x 25m Swim (max. velocity) – Rest 30 sec between 25m
(Method: ROUNDS - 2)
Inverted Squat Leg Shaper (60 REPS)
Clean and Press Bar (60 REPS)
Description: The warm up will be performed for a time (30 seconds) through the execution of four exercises. It should be prescribed that in each round, athletes must attempt to perform a higher number of repetitions for the same exercise than in the previous round. This in order to progressively increase the intensity of exercise during the warm up. Naturally, this increase in the number of repetitions should not compromise the quality of the exercise, especially as far as range of motion is concerned.
COWBOY – In this exercise the hands should move towards the opposite foot. When the lower limbs perform the downward movement, they should head outwards, trying to maintain a marked distance between the feet. At no time should the torso flex in order to bring the hands closer to the feet.
TOES TO NOODLE – Maintenance of the upper limbs in a horizontal position supported on the noddle. At no time does the noodle move towards the lower limbs. Should be the lower limbs to rise and move towards the noodle. If it is not possible to touch the noodle with the toes, we ask the student to raise the lower limbs as much as possible, and the knees should be in full extension or very close to it.
INVERTED AQUABURPEE – In the aforementioned exercise and for its correct execution, the athlete must perform the full extension of the hip both in the vertical and in the horizontal position. The positioning of the upper limbs is irrelevant, being at the athlete's discretion.
ROW L-SIT – The exercise should always be performed with the sole of the foot in contact with the wall. The movement of the upper limbs should be ample and the hand should come close to the line of the shoulders, allowing a considerable range of movement.
Description: This WOD will be divided into the three components of the methodology, which will be stimulated separately. We'll just start with Skills exercises, we'll move on to Metabolics and then to Strength. Each moment will have different prescription methods. WOD should take about 25 minutes.
VERTICAL JUMP – This exercise is used to break the swimming routine, as well as to modify the position of execution of the exercises. The proposed number of repetitions can be distributed in the way the student wants, being able to whenever he/she wants to complete the number of repetitions. Always remember that this exercise requires the knees to break the surface of the water at every repetition.
PUSH RUN – In this exercise, the athlete must push the wall with maximum power through the lower limbs, returning to the starting point after traveling three meters through running, which can be assisted with movements of the upper limbs.
SWIM – At this time, athletes may use any formal swimming technique. At 50 m they should impose a constant swimming speed of medium intensity. In the two repetitions of 25 m, they must be performed at maximum speed, and every 25 m there must be a rest period of 20 seconds.
CLEAN and PRESS – Performing this exercise is often a difficulty for students, especially in the transition from hand position at the time of CLEAN to hand position and consequent wrist rotation in PRESS. That said, it will be important to explain this critical point before the student performs the movement in WOD. Thus, the execution of the exercise with the barbell should be proposed, but without the elastic providing resistance.
INVERTED SQUAT LEG SHAPER – When performing this movement, the athlete must raise the lower limbs to a suspended position from which he must perform a power movement with the objective of removing the largest part of the body out of the water.
12 - 12- 2021
40 REPS – Row L-Sit
30 REPS – Jumping Jack
20 REPS – Deep Wall Leg Curl
10 REPS – Jump Over Noodle
15 REPS - External Rotation Shoulder
10-10 REPS - Internal Rotation Hip
WOD (4 Rounds each Combination)
Description: The warm-up contains five exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions in each of the rounds. Three rounds must be prescribed, without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing it for the subsequent phases of the workout.
COWBOY – In this exercise the hands should move towards the opposite foot. When the lower limbs perform the downward movement, they should head outwards, trying to maintain a marked distance between the feet. At no time should the torso flex in order to bring the hands closer to the feet.
ROW L-SIT – The exercise should always be performed with the sole of the foot in contact with the wall. The movement of the upper limbs should be ample and the hand should come close to the line of the shoulders, allowing a considerable range of movement.
JUMPING JACK – The exercise should be promoted with the greatest possible amplitude, by the lower and upper limbs.
DEEP WALL LEG CURL – In this exercise, the objective is to perform simultaneous extension of the upper limbs supported on the wall and flexion of both lower limbs. Both movements must start and end at the same time.
JUMP OVER NOODLE – In this exercise, the full extension of the hip must be indicated at each foot pass over the noodle.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate the strength components through three combination exercises prescribed for this purpose. Four rounds must be carried out for each of the combinations, which must be carried out in the indicated sequence. The aim is to increase the strength levels of students in different parts of the body. For beginning students, the number of rounds should be reduced. Each COACH can also adjust the number of rounds by aiming to stimulate some part of the body at the expense of another part.
SWIM PARACHUTE – In this exercise, the technique that the student wishes can be selected, having to do 25 meters of swimming at maximum speed.
LEGS PARACHUTE – Exercise involves moving in an aquatic space only with the execution of movements with the lower limbs, in this case with the breaststroke kick. In situations where this technique of lower limbs is not mastered, another technique should be prescribed.
AQUABURPEE LEG SHAPER – In this exercise, the critical and fundamental point is the return to the vertical position after assuming the horizontal position. Therefore, we must mention this important detail, before the students start its execution.
INVERTED SQUAT LEG SHAPER – In this exercise, the objective is to make the body lift and leave the aquatic space at least as far as the navel line. For this to be possible it is necessary a high control of fluctuation and that is prior to the application of force in the lower limbs, in the downward direction.
HIGH ROW – Exercise should be indicated to the student that the movement is guided in the ascending phase, by the action of the elbow. The reference points for correct execution are in the full extension of the upper limbs in the descending phase and reaching the elbows to the line of the shoulders in the ascending phase.
DEEP WALL – Exercise the reference point for correct execution is based on the full extension of the upper limbs. Remember that the basic condition of execution is without plantar support, being able to adapt according to the practitioner's abilities.
2 - 1 - 2022
Skills - Metabolic
Run/Swim (25m/25m)
Jump Over Noodle (10 REPS)
15 REPS - External Rotation Shoulder
10-10 REPS - Internal Rotation Hip
Deep Wall Leg Curl(5 REPS)/ Push Swim(3 REPS)
Vertical Jump (5 REPS)/Inverted Push L-Sit (3 REPS)
Jumping Jack
Description: The warm-up consists of three exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions and meters indicated. Four rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
RUN – In carrying out this exercise, it should be indicated that the student raises, with each repetition, raise the knees to the height of the waist. The upper limbs can help with displacement. It should be ensured that with each new round the exercise can be performed at a higher speed.
SWIM – In carrying out this exercise, it should be indicated that the student raises, with each repetition, raise the knees to the height of the waist. The upper limbs can help with displacement. It should be ensured that with each new round the exercise can be performed at a higher speed.
JUMP OVER NOODLE – In this exercise it must be indicated that both feet pass simultaneously over the noodle and that after each pass the hip must perform the full extension until the opposite movement begins.
ROW L-SIT – The student should be instructed that the entire plantar area must always maintain contact with the wall, that the upper limbs perform a motor path of abduction, with the movement being carried out in a broad manner and that the angle formed by the trunk and lower limbs should be just above 90º.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate the skills and metabolic components through two methods. Six alternate rounds of combinations provided in skills should be performed. After the completion of the six rounds, the four exercises indicated for the metabolic component will be performed, using the TABATA method. When finished, the execution of skill combinations should be indicated again, followed by another round of TABATA. For beginning students, the number of rounds should be reduced. Each COACH can also adjust the number of rounds/repetitions depending on which students present themselves to the class.
Deep Wall Leg Curl - In this exercise, the objective is to perform simultaneous extension of the upper limbs supported on the wall and flexion of both knees. Both movements must start and end at the same time. Upward movement can be aided by the thrust of the feet on the bottom of the pool.
Push Swim - The correct performance of this exercise presupposes that the student is holding the edge of the pool and with his feet on the wall, followed by a strong impulse of the lower limbs on the wall, sliding until reaching three meters, having the head as a reference point. At this point, the student must assume the L-Sit position without touching the feet to the ground and return to the starting point only and only with horizontal abduction movements of the upper limbs. After each repetition the break is optional for each student.
Vertical Jump - In this exercise, the practitioner should try to elevate the body vertically, always flexing the hips and knees in order to break the surface of the water. This indication is mandatory in all repetitions. The position that the upper limbs assume is not relevant and can be selected by the practitioner.
Inverted Push L-Sit - The correct performance of this exercise presupposes that there is a strong push on the wall in a ventral position, sliding until reaching three meters, having the head as a reference point. At this point, the student must assume the L-Sit position without touching the floor with the feet and return to the starting point only and only with horizontal adduction movements of the upper limbs. After each repetition the break is optional for each student.
Ski – In this exercise, the upper and lower limbs move synchronously and contralaterally.
Kick – At each kick, the student must try to perform the exercise in such a way that the foot that performs the kicking movement reaches a height equal to or close to the hip line. To the movement performed by the lower limbs, the contralateral execution of the upper limbs should be indicated.
Jumping Jack – This exercise should be performed with the greatest possible amplitude, by the lower and upper limbs simultaneously.
Cowboy - In this exercise, practitioners should be asked to move the lower limbs towards the upper limbs, keeping the trunk in an upright position, all this in an alternate way. One of the most prominent indications should also be the movement of the lower limbs, in a downward direction, going down and out.
9 - 1 - 2022
Strength - Skills - Metabolic
Aquaburpee 10 REPS
Jumping Jack 20 REPS
Row L-Sit 30 REPS
Ski 40 REPS
10 REPS - Leg Surronding
20 REPS - Lunge Rotation
Swim Parachute - 50m
Vertical Jump - 15 REPS
Swim Parachute - 50m
Vertical Jump - 20 REPS
Swim Parachute - 50m
Vertical Jump - 25 REPS
Swim Parachute - 50m
Vertical Jump - 30 REPS
Description: The warm-up consists of four exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions . Three rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
AQUABURPEE – In this exercise, the critical and fundamental point is the return to the vertical position after assuming the horizontal position.
JUMPING JACK – In the first exercise, the execution with the greatest possible amplitude should be promoted.
ROW L-SIT – The exercise should always be performed with the sole of the foot in contact with the wall. The movement of the upper limbs should be ample and the hand should come close to the line of the shoulders, allowing a considerable range of movement.
SKI – In this exercise, the upper and lower limbs move synchronously and contralaterally.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate the strength, skills and metabolic components through two methods. Four alternate rounds of combinations. After the completion of the rounds, the two exercises indicated for the metabolic component will be performed, using the TABATA method. When finished, the execution of skill combinations should be indicated again, followed by another round of TABATA. Each COACH can also adjust the number of rounds/repetitions depending on which students present themselves to the class.
Swim Parachute - In this exercise, the objective is to perform simultaneous extension of the upper limbs supported on the wall and flexion of both knees. Both movements must start and end at the same time. Upward movement can be aided by the thrust of the feet on the bottom of the pool.
Vertical Jump - In this exercise, the practitioner should try to elevate the body vertically, always flexing the hips and knees in order to break the surface of the water. This indication is mandatory in all repetitions. The position that the upper limbs assume is not relevant and can be selected by the practitioner.
Cowboy - In this exercise, practitioners should be asked to move the lower limbs towards the upper limbs, keeping the trunk in an upright position, all this in an alternate way. One of the most prominent indications should also be the movement of the lower limbs, in a downward direction, going down and out.
Ski – In this exercise, the upper and lower limbs move synchronously and contralaterally.
23 - 1 - 2022
Static Run 50 REPS
Jump over Noodle 50 REPS
Ski 50 REPS
Cowboy 50 REPS
Horizontal Abduction Arms - 20 REPS
Internal Rotation - 20 REPS (10+10)
Row L-Sit - 200 REPS
Swim - 150 METERS
Vertical Jump - 100 REPS
Deep Wall - 50 REPS
Vertical Jump - 100 REPS
Swim - 150 METERS
Row L-Sit - 200 REPS
Description: The warm-up consists of four exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions . Three rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
STATIC RUN – Indicate the performance of the thigh flexion until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. As well as requiring the simultaneous performance of lower and upper limb movements.
JUMP OVER NOODLE – it must be indicated that both feet pass simultaneously over the noodle and that after each passage the hip must perform the full extension until the opposite movement begins.
SKI – In this exercise the upper and lower limbs move in synchronism in the anterior posterior direction and contralaterally.
COWBOY - Practitioners should be asked to move the lower limbs towards the upper limbs, keeping the trunk in a vertical position, all this in an alternate way. One of the most highlighted indications should also be the movement of the lower limbs, in a downward direction, heading downwards and outwards.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate only the metabolic component. 7 rounds will be performed in a descending direction with respect to the number of repetitions, and after the 4th exercise, the exact opposite occurs. With the use of the same exercises, the number of repetitions is increased.
ROW L-SIT – the student should be instructed that the entire plantar area must always maintain contact with the wall, that the upper limbs perform a motor path of abduction, the movement being performed in a broad way and that the angle formed by the trunk and lower limbs should be just over 90º.
SWIM – the student can always choose the swimming technique he wants to perform, being able to change it every 25 meters.
VERTICAL JUMP - The practitioner should try to lift the body in a vertical direction, always flexing the hips and knees in order to break the surface of the water. This indication is mandatory in all repetitions. The position that the upper limbs assume is not relevant and can be selected by the practitioner.
DEEP WALL – In this exercise, the reference point for the correct execution is based on the full extension of the upper limbs. Remember that the base condition of execution is without plantar support, being able to adapt according to the abilities of the practitioner.
30 - 1 - 2022
Swim 50 METERS
Jump over Noodle Unilateral 10 REPS
Push Swim 5 REPS
Kick 50 REPS
External Rotation- 20 REPS
Hip Extension - 20 REPS (10+10)
Lunge Over Head - 20 REPS
Deep Wall Rotation - 10 METERS
Push Run - 15 REPS
Description: The warm-up consists of four exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions . Three rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
SWIM – the student can always choose the swimming technique he wants to perform, being able to change it every 25 meters.
JUMP OVER NOODLE UNILATERAL – it must be indicated that one of the feet passes alternately over the noodle and that after each passage the hip must perform the complete extension until the opposite movement begins.
PUSH SWIM – In this exercise, the student must stand in front of and close to the wall, place himself in the ventral position, in total horizontality and then push the wall with both hands, letting himself slide in this position until he travels 3 meters (head serves as a reference) from the wall and then return to the wall using any of the swimming techniques.
KICK - With each kick, the student should try to perform the exercise so that the foot that performs the kicking movement reaches a height equal to or close to the hip line. To the movement performed by the lower limbs, the contralateral execution of the upper limbs should be indicated.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate tehe skills and strength component. Máx rounds will be performed in a descending direction with respect to the number of repetitions.
LUNGE OVER HEAD – this exercise should be performed with the barbell strap under the forward foot. The student should get into the lunge position with the upper limbs in full extension, and the bar position is right above the head. Upon acquiring this position, the movement is performed by flexing and extending the lower limbs without changing the position of the upper limbs.
DEEP WALL ROTATION – in this exercise the student must perform a powerful extension of the upper limb that performs the movement, and the same movement can be aided by the impulse of the lower limbs, especially for more inexperienced students or with less physical capacity. After each extension, the movement ends only when the individual is able to sit fully on the edge of the pool. The movement should be performed alternately with both upper limbs.
PUSH RUN – in this exercise, the student places himself on the wall, pushing it and letting himself slide, until reaching a minimum distance of 3 meters (the reference point is the head). After that, you should put your feet on the ground and return to the starting point by running, in the shortest possible time, repeating the entire exercise.
27 - 2 - 2022
50 REPS - Ski
40 REPS – Toes To Noodle
30 REPS – Deep Wall Touch Foot
20 REPS – Jump Over Noodle
10 REPS – Inverted AquaBurpee
Counter Rotation - 20 REPS
Arm Reach - 20 REPS
5 Rounds
5 REPS Inverted Push L-Sit
10 REPS Clean – Press Bar
15 REPS Deep Wall Leg Curl
1.Static Run
5 Roounds
5 REPS Inverted Push L-Sit
10 REPS Clean – Press Bar
15 REPS Deep Wall Leg Curl
Description: The warm-up consists of four exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions . Three rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
SKI - In this exercise the upper and lower limbs move in synchronism in the anterior posterior direction and contralaterally.
TOES TO NODLE – Maintenance of the upper limbs in a horizontal position supported by the noddle. At no time does the noodle move towards the lower limbs. It should be the lower limbs that rise and move towards the noodle. If it is not possible to touch the noodle with the toes, we ask the student to elevate the lower limbs as much as possible, with the knees in full extension or very close to it.
DEEP WALL TOUCH FOOT - In this exercise, the reference point for the correct execution is based on the full extension of the upper limbs. At each extension of the upper limbs, the flexion of a lower limb should coincide simultaneously, with the objective that the sole of the foot rests on the edge of the wall.
JUMP OVER NOODLE – it must be indicated that both feet pass simultaneously over the noodle and that after each passage the hip must perform the full extension until the opposite movement begins.
INVERTED AQUABURPEE – The fundamental point of this exercise is hip extension, both in vertical and horizontal positions, and this should always be the point of reference to be explained and demanded from the practitioner. Also indicate that the execution of the same can be carried out close to the surface. The position of the upper limbs, both vertically and horizontally, is an option for each practitioner, being able to be flexed by the shoulder joint or at the side of the body.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate tehe skills and strength component. Máx rounds will be performed in a descending direction with respect to the number of repetitions.
INVERTED PUSH L-SIT - the correct performance of this exercise presupposes that there is a strong impulse on the wall in the ventral position, sliding until reaching three meters with the head as a reference point. At this point, the student should assume the L-Sit position without touching the ground with the feet and return to the starting point only with horizontal adduction movements of the upper limbs. After each repetition, the stop is optional for each student.
CLEAN and PRESS – Performing this exercise is very often a difficulty for students, especially in the transition from the position of the hands at the moment of CLEAN to the position of the hands and consequent rotation of the wrist in the PRESS. That said, it will be important to explain this critical point before the student performs the movement in WOD. In this way, the exercise with the bar should be proposed, but without the elastic offering resistance.
DEEP WALL LEG CURL - In this exercise, the objective is to simultaneously perform the extension of the upper limbs supported on the wall and the flexion of both knees. Both movements must start and end at the same time. The upward movement can be aided by pushing the feet towards the bottom of the pool.
STATIC RUN – Indicate the performance of the thigh flexion until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. As well as requiring the simultaneous performance of movements of the lower limbs with the upper limbs.
SWIM – the student can always choose the swimming technique he wants to perform, being able to change it every 25 meters.

15 - 5 - 2022
30 seconds – Jumping Jack
30 Seconds – Jump Over Noodle
30 Seconds – Static Run
30 Seconds – Deep Wall
External Rotation - 20 REPS
Lower Limb Adduction - 20 REPS
(FOR TIME: 12 Minutes)
30 REPS Row L-Sit
15 REPS Toes To Noodle
5 Rounds - AMRAP
50 meters – Swim (More fast possible)
20 REPS Push Squat Kit
Description: The warm-up consists of four exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions . Three rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
JUMPING JACK – In this exercise, the execution with the greatest possible amplitude should be indicated, by the lower and upper limbs simultaneously. The lower limbs must always be in the water throughout the entire range of motion.
JUMP over NOODLE – It must be indicated that both feet pass simultaneously over the noodle and that after each passage the hip must perform the full extension until the opposite movement begins.
STATIC RUN – Indicate the performance of the thigh flex until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. As well as requiring the simultaneous performance of movements of the lower limbs with the upper limbs.
DEEP WALL – In this exercise, the reference point for the correct execution is based on the full extension of the upper limbs. Remember that the base condition of execution is without plantar support, being able to adapt according to the abilities of the practitioner.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate tehe skills and strength component. Máx rounds will be performed in a descending direction with respect to the number of repetitions.
ROW L-SIT – The student should be instructed that the entire plantar area must always maintain contact with the wall, that the upper limbs perform a motor path of abduction, the movement being performed in a broad way and that the angle formed by the trunk and lower limbs should be slightly higher than 90º.
TOES to NODLE – Maintenance of the upper limbs in a horizontal position supported by the noddle. At no time does the noodle move towards the lower limbs. It should be the lower limbs that rise and move towards the noodle. If it is not possible to touch the noodle with the toes, we ask the student to elevate the lower limbs as much as possible, with the knees in full extension or very close to it.
AQUABURPEE – The fundamental point of this exercise is hip extension, both in the vertical and horizontal position, and this should always be the reference point to explain and demand from the practitioner. Also indicate that the execution of the same can be carried out close to the surface. The position of the upper limbs, both vertically and horizontally, is an option for each practitioner, being able to be flexed by the shoulder joint or at the side of the body.
SWIM – The student can always choose the swimming technique he wants to perform.
PUSH SQUAT KIT – This exercise requires constant attention and mastery in two moments. 1) at the moment of pushing the wall, the feet must be fully supported on the wall, and the impulse must be with the maximum force in order to reach the stipulated maximum point, which defines the correct execution of the exercise. 2) the return to the wall after reaching the maximum achievable point must focus on an elevated body domain with the intention that the whole body remains in a horizontal position. Typically, at this stage, students tend not to master the exercise and therefore end up performing an oblique movement towards the ground, not effectively completing the exercise. This is because each fully performed repetition includes the moment to push and return to the wall.

31 - 7 - 2022
WARM UP (4 Rounds)
MOBILITY (2 Rounds)
20 REPS - External Rotation
20 REPS – INtrenal Abdduction
WOD – (Method: AMRAP - 20 Minutes)
Swim Parachute (50m)
Clean And Press Bar (20 REPS)
Legs Parachute (50m)
Clean And Press Bar (20 REPS)
L-Sit Parachute (50m)
Clean And Press Bar (20 REPS)
Components to be stimulated in WOD: Strength
Method: AMRAP
Description: This workout is a great challenge for our students. Therefore, the first and very important indication for the prescription of this workout is to be especially careful with the number of repetitions that we are going to indicate.
Description: The warm-up consists of four exercises, performed in the sequence described, always with the same number of repetitions . Four rounds should be prescribed, if possible without stopping between them. This proposal aims to promote various bodily stimuli, preparing physiological structures and systems for subsequent phases.
STATIC RUN – Indicate the performance of the thigh flex until the knee reaches the hip line, forming a 90º angle between the thigh and the trunk. As well as requiring the simultaneous performance of movements of the lower limbs with the upper limbs.
ROW L-SIT – The student should be instructed that the entire plantar area must always maintain contact with the wall, that the upper limbs perform a motor path of abduction, the movement being performed in a broad way and that the angle formed by the trunk and lower limbs should be slightly higher than 90º.
AQUABURPEE – The fundamental point of this exercise is hip extension, both in the vertical and horizontal position, and this should always be the reference point to explain and demand from the practitioner. Also indicate that the execution of the same can be carried out close to the surface. The position of the upper limbs, both vertically and horizontally, is an option for each practitioner, being able to be flexed by the shoulder joint or at the side of the body.
SWIM – The student can always choose the swimming technique he wants to perform.
Description: The proposed WOD aims to stimulate the strength component. Máx rounds will be performed in 20 minutes with respect to the number of repetitions.
SWIM PARACHUTE – The student can always choose the swimming technique he wants to perform.
CLEAN and PRESS – Performing this exercise is very often a difficulty for students, especially in the transition from the position of the hands at the moment of CLEAN to the position of the hands and consequent rotation of the wrist in the PRESS. That said, it will be important to explain this critical point before the student performs the movement in WOD. In this way, the exercise with the bar should be proposed, but without the elastic offering resistance.
LEGS PARACHUTE – The student can always choose the technique he wants to perform in legs moviment.
ROW PARACHUTE – The student should be instructed that the entire plantar area must always maintain in front, that the upper limbs perform a motor path of abduction, the movement being performed in a broad way and that the angle formed by the trunk and lower limbs should be slightly higher than 90º.